Role of R4DE in modernizing the agri-fisheries sector underscored in CVAARRD’s 45th anniversary

Representing Agriculture Secretary Francisco Tiu Laurel Jr., DA-Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR) director Junel B. Soriano graced the Cagayan

ADePt-TBI showcases incubation approach in promoting farm-level production technologies

Showcasing its initial success in the promotion of farm-level production technologies, the Agribusiness and Developed Processed Products–Technology

DA, DA-BAR, IRRI collaborate on digital platform for rice industry

The DA Rice Industry Program, in collaboration with the International Rice Research Institute, conducted a study to design and develop an integrated

Open science and communication: The Role of research for development in advancing research and innovation

Open science and communication plays a vital role in the way knowledge is generated, shared, and disseminated within the scientific community.

BAR technical staff participate in technology readiness workshop

Aimed to assess the maturity of technologies funded by the bureau, the DA-Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR) conducted a Technology Readiness Level

Ethics and safe spaces: promoting a value-driven workplace

As an effort to strengthen the ethical values of its personnel and ensure a conducive working environment for everyone, the DA-Bureau of Agricultural